Candidates should file a Form 501 BEFORE any campaigning begins.
The following link is to the Form 501
The Form 501 should be filed with the Hawthorne City Clerk’s Office before soliciting or receiving any contributions or before expenditures from personal funds on behalf of candidacy are made.
For more information on campaign rules visit
Under the Political Reform Act a candidate must include a disclosure on mass mailings and certain telephone calls advocating the candidate’s own election. In addition, radio and television advertisements require an “Ad paid for by” disclosure. The Act does not require a specific disclosure on other communications, such as billboards and yard signs, when they are paid for by a candidate-controlled committee in support of the candidate’s own campaign. However, the FPPC recommends placing “paid for by [committee name]” and the committee’s ID number on all public campaign materials
It is prohibited to post materials on Edison owned utility poles (California Penal Code 556.1 and 591)
Prior to placing signs on private property, candidates must obtain authorization from the owner of the property
No sign shall impede traffic